Giving at Navarre 1st


We are now able to offer more ways to give. With SecureGive we can offer Mobile Giving and Text To Give as well as online giving through our website and the credit card machine in the foyer. The first time you give online, mobile give, or text to give you will be asked to create an account, sign in, or give anonymously. If you create an account you can save your credit card information securely to use each time. You may even set up recurring donations.


Download the free SecureGive app from App Store or Google Play Store. Open the app and search for our church by name or location, then set this as your home organization. Sign in, create a new account or give anonymously. Choose "Make a Donation," select the type of donation you wish to make, select the category, and enter the donation amount. If this is your first time, card information will have to be entered. There is an option to save this as a default card at this point. Tap continue and confirm amount. You will receive a thank you notification on screen and by email.


We have 4 Keywords you may give to: Tithe, Missions, Building, and Special. Text your keyword and whole dollar amount to 844-262-8299 (ex: Tithe 100). You will receive a text to sign in to your securegive account or create a new account. When this is complete you will receive a text asking you to confirm the donation by texting "Y". You will receive a thank you notification by text and by email. Save this number to your phone, the next time just text your keyword and amount, confirm "Y" on request, and receive confirmation text